About Us

Our Mission:
To provide all information related to agriculture at one spot.

Our Vision:
To create the Agriculture Information Bank this will provide all type of agriculture information at anytime at anyplace and at free of cost.
Our Objectives:
1.Encourage peoples to read about agriculture science by provide free online quality agriculture information.
2.To create the one spot agriculture information center.
3.Educate: Educate the peoples related to the theory & practical of agriculture by creating one spot information center for agriculture.
4.Develop: Develop the condition of Agriculture in Pakistan with the help of our educated peoples.
5.Empower: Ask to peoples to empower farmers to go for new techniques.
6.To provide free information to the agriculture professionals at anywhere and at anytime whenever they required.
7.Provide readymade study materials to the agriculture students, etc…

For Further Detail Send email us at

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