Because it is not known whether plants feel pain or
dis-comfort and because, in any case, plants do not speak or otherwise
communicate with us, it is difficult to pin-point exactly when a plant is
diseased. It is accepted that a plant is healthy, or normal, when it can carry
out its physiological functions to the best of its genetic poten-tial. The
meristematic (cambium) cells of a healthy plant divide and differentiate as
needed, and different types of
specialized cells absorb water and nutrients from the soil; translocate these to all plant
parts; carry on photosynthesis, translocate, metabolize, or store the photosynthetic
products; and produce seed or other reproductive organs for survival and
When the ability of the cells of a plant or plant part to carry
out one or more of these essential functions is interfered with by either a
pathogenic organism or an adverse environmental factor, the activities of the
cells are disrupted, altered, or inhibited, the cells malfunction or die, and
the plant becomes diseased. At first, the affliction is localized to one or a
few cells and is invisi-ble. Soon, however, thereaction becomes more
wide-spread and affected plant parts develop changes visible to the naked eye. These
visible changes are the symp-toms of the disease. The visible or otherwise
measura-ble adverse changes in a plant, produced in reaction to infection by an
organism or to an unfavorable environ-mental factor, are a measure of the
amount of disease in the plant. Disease
in plants, then, can be defined as the series of invisible and visible
responses of plant cells and tissues to a pathogenic organism or environmental factor
that result in adverse changes in the form, func-tion, or integrity of the
plant and may lead to partial impairment or death of plant parts or of the
entire plant.
The kinds of cells and tissues that become affected determine
the type of physiological function that will bedisrupted first. For example,
infection of roots may cause roots to rot and make them unable to absorb water
and nutrients from the soil; infection of xylem vessels, as happens in vascular
wilts and in some cankers, interferes with the translocation of water and minerals
to the crown of the plant; infection of the foliage, as happens in leaf spots,
blights, rusts, mildews, mosaics, and so on, interferes with photosynthesis;
in-fection of phloem cells in the veins of leaves and in the bark of stems and
shoots, as happens in cankers and in
diseases caused by viruses, mollicutes, and protozoa, interferes with the
downward translocation of photo-synthetic products; and infection of flowers
and fruits interferes with reproduction. Although infected cells in most diseases
are weakened or die, in some diseases, e.g., in crown gall, infected cells are
induced to divide much faster (hyperplasia) or to enlarge a great deal more (hypertrophy) than normal cells and to
produce abnormal amorphous overgrowths (tumors) or abnor-mal organs. Pathogenic
microorganisms, i.e., the transmissible biotic (=living) agents that can cause
disease and are generally referred to as pathogens, usually cause disease in plants by disturbing the metabolism of
plant cells through enzymes, toxins, growth regulators, and other substances
they secrete and by absorbing foodstuffs from the host cells for their own use.
Some pathogens may also cause disease by growing and multiplying in the xylem
or phloem vessels of plants, thereby blocking the upward transportation of
water or the downward movement of sugars, respectively, through these tissues. Environmental
factors cause disease in plants when abiotic factors, such as temperature,
moisture, mineral nutrients, and pollutants, occur at levels above or below a
certain range tolerated by the plants.
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