19 Mar 2013

Bonsai Species Guide

Pakistan Local Trees best suited for Bonsai

  1. Fig  (Ficus, Pilkhan)
  2. Imli
  3. Jangal Jalaibi
  4. Acacia (keekar)
  5. Bouganvellia
  6. Jade Plant
  7. Carmona
  8. Cleridendron (Dum Dum)
  9. Chinese Elm (Ulmus)
Hardy species growing well as bonsai

Accacias Tough
American Neem ( Baccaine) Finer compound leaves
Araucaria ( Monkey puzzle tree) Difficult to manage its foliage
Azadharacts indica ( Neem) Very slow growing, difficult to dwarf
Bougainvillea glabra Tough, beautiful flowers, but root system is fragile and brittle
Callistemon sp (Bottle brush) Dwarf varieties available. Brillinat display of flowers
Casuarina equisetifolia Sturdy, adapted to Hot climate, suitable for the styles that are used for Pines.
Chlorodendron (Dum dum) This is the average urban garden hedge plant. Tolerates pruning and grows rapidly, Because it has opposite leaves, each axil shooting out a new branch, it is very easy to shape the branch direction by simply citting off one of the shoots from the axil
Duranta Wonderful for small and large bonsai. Rapid growth and tolerates pruning
Tamarind ( imli) A favorite starter for single and forest style planting
Ficus religiosa (pepul), F. microcarpa (Banyan), F. Benjamina ( weeping ficus), F longisland ( a rather more succulent leaved ficus, which does well of cascade), F. religiosa ( peepul) F retusa An ideal starter plant. [Note: F carica, the edible fig is not suitable for bonsai as the leaves are very large..F salcifolia is a native of Florida,  grows well in Pakistan. It has a fast growth rate that allows the trunk to thicken quickly.]
Gardenia jasminoides ( Jasmine)
Hedera helix ( Ivy)
Ippel ippel Very sturdy and resistant plant which grows very rapidly
Juniperus spp Beautiful bonsai and cascade bonsai can be produced in classical styles. But suddenly dies on you in extreme hot weather
Malpeggia sp Additionally has small pink flowers
Olea europea Very slow growing; but solid
Pithecelobum dulce ( jungle jalebi) Tough; beautiful bark
Prosopis juliofera ( jungli kikar), P glandulosa, Very tough and resilient
Tilia vulgaris ( common lime)

Trees growing well as Bonsai in temperate climates

Botanical name Length of time the plant has been known to remain alive in containers

Cottoneaster microphylla

Can be made to live for 265 years
Will grow well even in tropics
Bird’s nest cypress

Black monkey thorn tree

Black pine


Coral tree Erythrina lysistemon


False cypress

Five needle pine Pinus pentaphylla

Hackberry Celtis sinensis
Irish yew


Japanese maple


Maple Acer palmatum Does not do well in the tropics

Olive wild sp Olea europea Also grows in the tropics

Plum Prunus mume
95 years
Privet Ligustrum ovalifolium

Red wood

Scycamore fig

Virginia creeper

White fir

White pine Pinus parvifolia
Source of Article:http://www.pakistanbonsai.org/

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