By M Usman and M Monis

Health status of our fruit plant
orchards is alarming and poor health leads to early termination of plants
productive life leading to a decline in fruit industry. Faulty nurseries,
defective management, poor cultural practices, and other biotic and abiotic problems
are considered as the major factors for collapse of the fruit industry. Biotic
factors include different insects and diseases caused by pathogens like fungi,
bacteria, nematodes and viruses particularly in citrus and guava. Phytophthora,
Fusarium sp, Citrus TristezaVirus (CTV) and Citrus Greening Disease (CGD) are
major alarming problems to citrus industry in the country and citrus exports
have declined to merely 110,000 tonnes during 2007-08. Any damage to citrus and
guava industry may yield huge losses to the country’s economy and stakeholders.
The maintenance of fruit industry and establishing new orchards is dependent upon regular availability of healthy and sanitation plant material. Mostly the edible scion cultivars in citrus show less tolerance to soil borne biotic threats and are therefore grafted on tolerant-resistant rootstocks to provide better root system. Like citrus rootstock guava is commercially raised from seeds and guava industry of Pakistan is seedling based. Guava is facing serious decline issue which is directly related to soil borne fungal problems like Phytophthorasp, Fusarium sp and in some cases nematodes. Fusarium sp is reported to cause drooping and wilting of guava leaves in recent studies. Our citrus and guava industry is dependent upon faulty conventional nurseries. There is yet no concept of container grown nursery in guava having sterilised potting media in the nurserymen and the growers. Sanitation situation is comparatively better in citrus since the concept of container-grown nursery is getting popular gradually. Further, Agri-Business Support Fund is also supporting establishment of certified plant nurseries with the help of USAID and many industrialists and progressive growers are trying to establish this highly lucrative business emerging as a future industry. So this is the right time to extend this concept and technology to guava and to other fruit crops to save our fruit plant industry from soil borne disease spread.
Most of our commercial fruit plant nurseries are not following standard sanitation practices thus acting as a source of disease spread particularly soil borne and seed borne diseases in addition to insects and microbial infestations in plants. There is absolutely no concept of media or soil treatment and rootstock seed treatment. Elite guava selections are producing fruit eight to 10 months a year if the growers are not sacrificing summer crop. This consistently regular bearing habit of selected guava cultivars has enhanced fruit growers’ interest in this nutraceutically important fruit crop, which is highly rich source of ascorbic acid as well. Guava growers are fetching good prices for their orchards from the tenants and people are interested to plant new orchards particularly in Southern areas of Punjab from District Faisalabad towards Sadikabad and in Sindh. Shirkpur (Sheikhupura) is the guava hub in Punjab holding great genetic diversity but badly hit by guava decline issue. The root cause of many problems seems to be running nurseries in non-professional traditional ways. The issue could be resolved by providing clean and healthy containerised nursery plants free from soil borne diseases to the progressive growers and establish model nurseries for the stakeholders for demonstration following Florida, California and Australian nursery production models.
The maintenance of fruit industry and establishing new orchards is dependent upon regular availability of healthy and sanitation plant material. Mostly the edible scion cultivars in citrus show less tolerance to soil borne biotic threats and are therefore grafted on tolerant-resistant rootstocks to provide better root system. Like citrus rootstock guava is commercially raised from seeds and guava industry of Pakistan is seedling based. Guava is facing serious decline issue which is directly related to soil borne fungal problems like Phytophthorasp, Fusarium sp and in some cases nematodes. Fusarium sp is reported to cause drooping and wilting of guava leaves in recent studies. Our citrus and guava industry is dependent upon faulty conventional nurseries. There is yet no concept of container grown nursery in guava having sterilised potting media in the nurserymen and the growers. Sanitation situation is comparatively better in citrus since the concept of container-grown nursery is getting popular gradually. Further, Agri-Business Support Fund is also supporting establishment of certified plant nurseries with the help of USAID and many industrialists and progressive growers are trying to establish this highly lucrative business emerging as a future industry. So this is the right time to extend this concept and technology to guava and to other fruit crops to save our fruit plant industry from soil borne disease spread.
Most of our commercial fruit plant nurseries are not following standard sanitation practices thus acting as a source of disease spread particularly soil borne and seed borne diseases in addition to insects and microbial infestations in plants. There is absolutely no concept of media or soil treatment and rootstock seed treatment. Elite guava selections are producing fruit eight to 10 months a year if the growers are not sacrificing summer crop. This consistently regular bearing habit of selected guava cultivars has enhanced fruit growers’ interest in this nutraceutically important fruit crop, which is highly rich source of ascorbic acid as well. Guava growers are fetching good prices for their orchards from the tenants and people are interested to plant new orchards particularly in Southern areas of Punjab from District Faisalabad towards Sadikabad and in Sindh. Shirkpur (Sheikhupura) is the guava hub in Punjab holding great genetic diversity but badly hit by guava decline issue. The root cause of many problems seems to be running nurseries in non-professional traditional ways. The issue could be resolved by providing clean and healthy containerised nursery plants free from soil borne diseases to the progressive growers and establish model nurseries for the stakeholders for demonstration following Florida, California and Australian nursery production models.
Container grown fruit plant nursery
offers several advantages over conventional system of plant propagation in the
field. Fruit plants can be propagated even in areas with poor soil, improper
climate and helps in efficient use of the given space. These plants are easily
portable without disturbing the plant root system. Container type and size
could be modified according to the crop requirements. Potting media used is
highly nutritious and free of soil borne pests thus blocking dissemination of
soil borne diseases from nursery to the orchards. Container grown nursery is
less labor intensive and provides absolute weed control. Round the year nursery
production is possible provided plants are raised in controlled environment.Based
on these facts, a similar nursery model has been established in the Institute
of Horticultural Sciences funded by joint venture of USDA and Endowment Fund
Secretariat, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. A locally fabricated
environment-friendly model steam sterilisation unit-first of its kind- has been
installed for potting media sterilisation and healthy citrus and guava nursery
establishment in plastic containers is in progress. The technology is being
transferred to all the stakeholders through training courses, literature and
media to promote containerised nursery culture. One of our collaborators has
established similar model nursery for mango and citrus in Sadikabad. The
resulting orchards will have long productive life, higher yields, quality
fruits and provide more income to the farmers and other stakeholders.
Conclusively there is dire need to shift from conventional field propagation
methods to container grown plant production system in both citrus and guava
since ‘prevention is better than cure’.
Muhammad Usman Rana (Author)
About Author:
Muhammad Usman Rana Worked at University Of Agriculture Faisalabad, This article of Mr Rana Taken from Daily Time, this article is very informative.
Muhammad Usman Rana Worked at University Of Agriculture Faisalabad, This article of Mr Rana Taken from Daily Time, this article is very informative.
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