- Honey has antibacterial properties and is used in some cultures to prevent infection of cuts and burns. A medico friend of mine recently visited a burn clinic in China where honey is used in the patients’ dressings.
- In olden days, a common practice was for newlyweds to drink mead (honey wine) for one month (one phase of the moon) to assure the birth of a son. Thus the term “honeymoon.”
- The honey bee’s image became a symbol for kings and religious leaders and was honored on ancient coins and in mythology.
- One gallon of honey (3.79 liters) weighs 11 lbs., 13.2 ounces (5.36 kg.).
- The Romans used honey to pay their taxes (I don’t think the IRS would approve).
- Honey found in the tombs of the Egyptian Pharaohs was still edible. That’s an impressive shelf life!
- To produce 1 pound of honey, the bees must visit 2 million flowers!
Honey trivia
Written By Unknown on 7 Jun 2013 | 00:46
Honey in Medicine,
Honey trivia,
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